Nutritional Info
Raw Bar with Chia Seeds
100gr | 40gr | |
Energy / Energía / Energia / Energie kJ/kcal | 1912 / 457 | 766 / 183 |
Fat / Grasas / Lípidos / Fett | 24,3 | 9,7 |
saturated / saturadas / saturados / gesättigt | 2,4 | 1 |
Carbohydrates / Hidratos de carbono / Kohlenhydrate |
41,8 | 16,7 |
sugars / azúcares / açúcares / zucker | 34,5 | 13,8 |
Protein / Proteínas / Eiweiß | 14 | 5,6 |
Salt / Sal / Salz | 1 | 0,4 |
Fiber / Fibra alimentaria / Fibra / Faser | 10,5 | 4,2 |
Ingredients (EN)
Date paste 30%, oatmeal (15%), chia seeds, agave syrup, goji berries
Ingredientes (ES)
Pasta de dátiles 30%, harina de avena (15%), semillas de chía, jarabe de agave, bayas de goji
Ingredientes (PT)
Pasta Tâmara 30%, Farinha de aveia (15%), sementes chia, xarope agave, bagas goji
Inhaltsstoffe (DE)
Dattelpaste 30%, Haferflocken (15%), Chiasamen, Agavensirup, Gojibeeren

Any doubt?
If you still have any doubt about the nutrition info or the ingredients of this product, contact our dietitians!