Nutritional Info
Protein Balls Cinnamon with Banana Cream
100g | 40g | |
Energy / Energia / Energie kJ/kcal | 1619 / 387 | 649 / 155 |
Fat / Lípidos / Fett (g) | 14,2 | 5,7 |
saturated / saturados / gesättigt (g) | 1,9 | 0,8 |
Carbohydrates / Hidratos de carbono / Kohlenhydrate (g) |
36,1 | 14,4 |
sugars / açúcares / zucker (g) | 22,8 | 9,1 |
Fiber / Fibra / Faser (g) | 20,3 | 8,1 |
Protein / Proteínas / Eiweiß (g) | 18,6 | 7,4 |
Salt / Sal / Salz (g) | 0,5 | 0,2 |
Ingredients (EN)
Oat Flour, filling ([almond cream, banana flavouring, oligofructose] 25%), date paste,collagen protein, coconut blossom syrup, almond paste, tapioca fiber, cinnamon, salt.
Ingredientes (PT)
Farinha de aveia, recheio ([creme de amêndoa, aroma de banana, oligofrutose] 25%), pasta de tâmaras, proteína de colagénio, xarope de flor de coco, pasta de amêndoa, fibra de tapioca, canela, sal.
Inhaltsstoffe (DE)
Hafermehl, Füllung ([Mandelcreme, Bananenaroma, Oligofruktose] 25%), Dattelpaste, Kollagenprotein, Kokosblütensirup, Mandelpaste, Tapiokafaser, Zimt, Salz.

Any doubt?
If you still have any doubt about the nutrition info or the ingredients of this product, contact our dietitians!