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100gr  50gr
Energy / Energía / Energia / Energie kJ/kcal 1724 / 412 862 / 206
Fat / Grasas / Lípidos / Fett 18 9
saturated / saturadas / saturados / gesättigt 9,2 4,6

Carbohydrates / Hidratos de carbono / Kohlenhydrate

56 28
sugars / azúcares / açúcares / zucker 24 12
Protein / Proteínas / Eiweiß 5 2,5
Salt / Sal / Salz 1,3 0,7
Fiber / Fibra alimentaria / Fibra / Faser 3 1,5

Ingredients (EN)

*Fruit preparation with apple and raisin 40%, [*corn glucose-fructose syrup, *apples 20%, raisin 20%, gelling agent: pectin, acidity regulators (citric acid, calcium citrate, sodium tartrate), natural flavouring], *wheat spelt flour 34%, *vegetable margarine (*palm oil, *sunflower seeds oil, *lemon juice), salt, *natural vanilla flavouring, anti-oxidant: *rosemary extract. *= organic.**

Ingredientes (PT)

Preparação de frutas com maçã e uva passa 40%, [*xarope de glucose-frutose de milho, *maçãs 20%, uvas passas 20%, agente gelificante: pectina, reguladores de acidez (ácido cítrico, citrato de cálcio, tartarato de sódio), aromatizante natural], *farinha de espelta de trigo 34%, *margarina vegetal (*óleo de palma, óleo de sementes de girassol, *sumo de limão), sal, *aromatizante natural de baunilha, antioxidante: extrato de alecrim. = orgânico. **

Inhaltsstoffe (DE)

Fruchtzubereitung mit Apfel und Rosinen 40%, [*Mais-Glukose-Fruktose-Sirup, *Äpfel 20%, Rosinen 20%, Geliermittel: Pektin, Säureregulatoren (Zitronensäure, Calciumcitrat, Natriumtartrat), natürlicher Aromastoff], *Weizen-Dinkelmehl 34%, *pflanzliche Margarine (*Palmöl, *Sonnenblumenöl, *Zitronensaft), Salz, *natürlicher Vanillearomastoff, Antioxidationsmittel: Rosmarinextrakt. = Bio.**